Monday 9 December 2019

Panchakarma: An important part of Ayurveda

The meaning of Ayurveda is “the knowledge of life” and panchakarma is an important part of Ayurveda. Acharya Charaka defines Ayurveda as –
            “हिताहितं सुखं दुःखं आयुस्तस्य हिताहितं | मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तं आयुर्वेदः स उच्यते | |”

Panchakarma is an important part of Ayurveda. It is the most traditional form of detoxifying the body that has been in use for thousands of years for curing the disorder and maintaining the health of a person. Panchakarma treatment is the most critical tool in Ayurveda, used for eliminating the toxicity and enhances the immunity of a person. According to the panchakarma doctors, the therapy is proved to have a significant effect in chronic diseases.
According to Ayurveda, the cause of all the diseases is ama. Due to inadequate digestion, the byproduct formed is called ama. This byproduct blocks the channels due to which diseases occur. Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment helps is removing this ama and hence eliminates the toxicity and opens the channels in the body.
The Aasha ayurvedic panchakarma treatment centre in Delhi helps people to avoid the further accumulation of ama by performing the Purva karma (snehana, swedana) followed by panchakarma treatment.

Snehana and swedana are the purvakarmas of panchakarma. Medicated oil, ghee, fats are used in ayurveda to make the body soft and hydrated. The blocked channels become soft and vitiated doshas are loosened. The process by which the body sweats is called swedana. There are different types of methods of snehana and swedana practiced in panchakarma centres.
The process of panchakarma constitutes five basic steps i.e Vamana, virechan, basti, nasya, raktamokshan.
Vamana (emesis therapy)- it helps by expelling the excess kapha dosha that causes accumulation of mucous in cold, couch etc. it is indicated in diabetes, lymphatic congestion, indigestion etc.
Virechana (purgation therapy)- excessive pitta results in acne, rashes, skin inflammation, jaundice etc. The pitta dosha can be correlated with bile, which secrets and accumulates in gall bladder, liver and small intestine. Virechana is thus beneficial in balancing the pitta dosha by removing the excess of it.
Basti (enema therapy)- vata dosha is the causative factor of all the diseases and associated pain. Basti is the treatment of choice for vitiated vata related disorders.
Nasya (nasal administration)– it is indicated in sinus, migraine, eye and ear problem etc.
Raktamokshan (purification of blood)- it is indicated in skin disorders such as scabies, psoriasis, urticaria etc. The therapy is effective in enlarged liver, spleen and gout.
There are certain contradictions in the ayurvedic panchakarma treatment. Thus, before searching in the internet “panchakarma centre near me” it is suggested to go for the best as it’s the matter of your body than going for the one which is accessible, no matter how the centre is.
North India, has one of the best panchakarma centre in Delhi named Aasha ayurveda which is trusted for its efficient herbal medication administered by experienced ayurvedic doctor.
Aasha Ayurveda, Call: +919811773770; Website:

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