Tuesday 17 December 2019

पंचकर्म | Natural Treatments In Panchkarma | Health Tips By Aasha ayurveda

Panchakarma is an important part of the ancient science of medicine “Ayurveda”. The word ‘panchakarma’ means 5 therapies which includes vamana, virechana, basti, nasya karma and rakta mokshan meaning emesis, purgation, medicated enema, nasal inhalation and blood letting respectively

The therapy is beneficial in removing the toxins from the body and thus preventing against diseases. Panchakarma treatment is administered by the ayurvedic doctors in certain diseases. The therapy is also beneficial in preventing the diseases and can be adopted for a healthy lifestyle.
The procedure is bit complicated and requires skilled hands to perform. Hence one must always visit the ayurvedic panchakarma centre. Aasha ayurveda is one of the renowned ayurvedic panchakarma centre in Delhi.
Panchakarma therapy is categorized under purvakarma and paschat karma.
Purva karma involves snehana and swedana. It has a crucial role in returning the vitiated doshas to their respective location and later can be eliminated through paschat karma (vaman, virechan, basti, nasya, rakta mokshan).

20 health tips recommended by Aasha Ayurveda panchakarma
1) Regular walk helps in keeping the doshas in balance.
2) Consume fresh organic fruits and vegetables.
3) Drinking warm water early in the morning flushes the toxins, activates the internal organs, promotes bowel movement and improves the digestion.
4) A glass of milk before going to sleep.
5) Intake of herbal tea that suits your dosha.
6) Massaging the body with herbal oil nourishes and hydrates the skin. Thus delaying ageing.
7) Surround yourself with people who makes you happy and nurture your heart.
8) Meditation helps in relieving the stress and gives a sense of well being.
9) Prepare a skin pack at home.
10) Go to bed early. Ayurveda recommends good sleep for a better health.
11) Rise before sunrise
12) Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Have a heavy breakfast and avoid heavy dinner.
13) Pranayama must ne practiced as breathing deep improves the oxygen flow.
14) Use herbal shampoo to wash your hair
15) Eat warm food.
16) Never suppress the natural urges.
17) Practice yoga routinely.
18) Eat when you are hungry. Eating without hunger will lead to weight gain and indigestion.
19) Maintain a gap of 4-5 hours between the two meals.
20) Know your body type. Take dosha test and make your choices of diet-lifestyle accordingly.

Aasha ayurveda is one of the best ayurvedic panchakarma centre in Delhi. Consult Dr. Chanchal Sharma and get to know more about the ways of staying healthy and undertake natural panchakarma treatment from the highly skilled therapist under the guidance of an experiences ayurvedic doctor.
If you are seeing a good doctor of Panchakarma then click: Best doctor for panchkarma in Delhi
Know about Panchakarma treatment: Panchakarma: An important part of Ayurveda

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